No offensive odour stripper and labour saving formulation.
Extra strength floor stripper formulated for use in environments where odour is a problem.
Recommended Floor Surfaces:
All Vinyl composition tile ("VCT"), Linoleum and most types of terrazzo, marble and quarry tile. Do not use on asphalt, rubber or wood painted floors.
NOTE: Test floor for colour fastness in an inconspicuous area.
Directions for use:
- Mix ECLIPSE Low Odour Stripper in a mop bucket or HydroStar Stripper
Applicator per the following dilution ratios:
Light Removal (FLOORMATTE™ Coating)
1:10 13 US oz per gallon warm water (0,5 liter per 5 litres warm water)
Heavy Removal (Most Coatings)
1:8 16 US oz per gallon warm water (0,62 liter per 5 litres warm water)
Heavy Removal (EQUINOX™, Sealers, etc.)
1:6 21.5 US oz per gallon of warm water (0,83 litre per 5 litres of warm water) - Apply solution liberally to the floor and allow to soak for 10 minutes. Do not allow stripper solution to dry on floor.
- Scrub floor with recommended Amano Pioneer Eclipse automatic scrubber or stripping machine with Amano Pioneer Eclipse pad(s) or brushes.
- Pick up dirty solution with automatic scrubber or wet vac.
- Use a clean mop or automatic scrubber to rinse floor twice with an Amano Pioneer Eclipse neutral cleaner following label directions.
- Rinse floor again with clean cold water. Allow to dry thoroughly before applying sealer or coating.
NOTE: Works most effectively in warm water. Test floor for colour fastness in an inconspicuous area.
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